Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Too much talk about the same thing

Many of you may be familiar with a program on Public TV (in the US) called NOVA, . Tonight's episode had different segments covering different aspects of science. One of which had to do with mass extinctions that have supposedly (or actually, I guess) happened numerous times during the lifetime of our planet.

There have been many theories concerning the cause(s) of these mass extinctions, including giant meteorites hitting the earth and causing the dinosaurs and other forms of life to disappear. The theory presented in tonight's episode proposes massive burps of poisonous sulfur based gases produced by uncontrollable growth of certain types of bacteria that thrive in the oceans when oxygen levels are depleted due to the warm up of the atmosphere and rise in water temperature. That is to say, that mass extinctions have occurred by massive poisoning.

Later, I came to my computer and saw headlines on the BBC News web page, of two stories that seemed very minor in the larger scheme of things which our world is going through these days. Really small, and probably should not have taken space on the web page.

One is about a former Russian spy who has been poisoned (allegedly) by the KGB. The other, is about rare Abyssinian lion cubs that are being poisoned at a zoo in Ethiopia's capital (for lack of funds).

Poison gasses in the atmosphere, a poisoned former spy, poisoned lion cubs .. too much poison for one day?

I already said, that these are very minor stories in and of themselves, still, I think they are reminders of other ills that plague us. Much larger ills.

I remain optimistic. We are emerging slowly from adolescence toward maturity. Still, these words keep ringing in my ears, not to bring me down, but to think about, ... to contemplate on :

"O YE THAT ARE LYING AS DEAD ON THE COUCH OF HEEDLESSNESS! [...] ye walk on My earth complacent and self-satisfied, heedless that My earth is weary of you and everything within it shunneth you. Were ye but to open your eyes, ye would, in truth, prefer a myriad griefs unto this joy, ... "

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Magic Suitcase

Examples of words differing from deeds are to be found everywhere. No shortages around us regular folks. Much more in the public arena.

This may have always been true, notwithstanding the fact that most people know and agree that this is less than honorable, that a person is more admired and more respected when their words are matched by their deeds.

All religions have expressed in so many words the need for this very important social principle. Many honorable people have tried to live by this, yet examples of the opposite still abound.

I am still optimistic however. It's inevitable that humanity collectively will reach its coming of age. Someday. I’m hoping soon.

In the meanwhile, I'll buy me a magic suitcase and I'll take it with me to all meetings big and small. In it, I will pack the ambience of large audience. The rallying, the ovation and the applause. Maybe I'll pack the audience too. May as well. .. Oh.. and I must not forget the big stage lights.

This posting was inspired by the inspiringly noble thoughts, the gentle words, the expressions of love, the pronounced manifestations of humbleness, the effulgence of the spirit of brotherhood and the extending of hands for cooperation, conciliation, embrace and comforting, .. every time a public figure .. politician.... religious leader, stood on the stage, in the warmth of the big lights, in the warmth of the comraderie with the audience, in the chilling warmth of the applause.

I’ll need the suitcase because when I see the same person the next day, he will have forgotten what he said on the stage, he will have forgotten who he was, how he was, and he may be less gentle, more mean and less brotherly in treating me, until I open the suitcase and he is in the warmth of the stage lights again.

In fact I’ll need another suitcase. This one to capture his gentleness of yesterday to remind him of it. ... Or will a video camera, a voice recorder, or a published page on the internet do?

“Say, O brethren! Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.”

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Different Symptoms ..

Different Symptoms ..Same Problem ?

I read a story on the BBC news site about a 92 year old archaeologist (Muazzez Ilmiye Cig) who was prosecuted over a book in which said that headscarves were first worn more than 5,000 years ago by Sumerian priestesses who initiated young men into sex. Charges were brought against her by a lawyer who took offence at the 2005 book. Today, she was acquitted. Her publisher was acquitted too.

Also on the same site today there was a story about the entertainer Maddona speaking on adoption . For a couple of weeks now, every news outlet has written about her attempt to adopt an African child. Some people see it as a benevolent act, some see it as an act of an arrogant person cutting in line and not waiting her turn like everyone else even if it is a benevolent act. Yet others see it as a publicity stunt with no benevolence whatsoever.

Two different stories, but what do they tell us about where we are right now?

Do they tell us that ...

We are not busy enough trying to make today better than yesterday? Not even for ourselves?

How much effort was wasted trying to punish a little old lady for her archaeological findings, because someone was offended because of his a religious over sensitivity about an issue that even his coreligionists have not agreed on because it is not mentioned clearly in the Book?

How much effort went into investigating, into writing, into reading, into discussing, into gossiping, into praising, into criticizing Maddona for her latest?

How much time did I spend writing this !! But I too am a part of this world.